Positive Outlook – Deal with
stress head-on, with a positive outlook, seeing the problems as
opportunities for personal growth, instead of obstacles interfering with
“normal” life.A negative approach
to stress admits defeat before the fight has begun.(James 1:2).
Perseverance – Don’t put it
off—deal with stressful situations immediately.The sooner the problem is conquered, the
better.Plow through the problem to
its end, no matter what you encounter along the way.After you receive the victory, do not
dwell on the problem any longer.(II Timothy 2:3-7).
Purpose – Try to discover why you
may be going through a particularly stressful period.Usually there is a lesson to be
learned.Perhaps a deep-seated
problem is being revealed, or you have something to learn about your
communication and relationships with others.(I Peter 5:10,11).
Patience – Be patient with others,
in spite of the added pressure.It
is easy to vent your frustrations by snapping off at others, even those
you love most dearly.Avoid such an
immature action at all costs—it only leads to further problems.(James 1:19).
Preparation – Be prepared for
encountering stress, as it is a part of life.A person prepared for anything can glide
through a stressful situation with an almost unbelievable peace of
mind.A certain elderly lady was
able to accept her husband’s serious illness with surprising peace because
she had daily prepared herself by nurturing her faith and reading the
Bible every day.(Isaiah 23:6).
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